Maine Cabin Masters Suppliers Lists

David Emmith and his wife Maria are the owners of the cabin in Maine Cabin Masters episode 610, “2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms.” On September 13, 2021, David gave my camera and I a tour of the work they’d done through the summer in adding new beds to the completed camp, some details from the Cabin Masters’ work that hadn’t been mentioned on the show, and what they’d been up to during the 2021 season. David is also co-maintainer of this Suppliers List.

Disclaimer - Unaffiliated with the Maine Cabin Masters

I am not affiliated with the Maine Cabin Masters, Magnolia Network, or Hero Media Arts/Hero Media Network. All opinions expressed here are my own. We are simply fans of the show.

Having said that though, and even though I don’t represent MCM in any manner, this Suppliers List was developed at the request of Maine Cabin Master Ashley Morrill, during a conversation at The Woodshed with myself and David Emmith, owner of the camp in episode 610, “2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms.” David and I then developed the list and are now maintaining it. And even though he is the owner of an MCM project cabin, David Emmith doesn’t represent the Maine Cabin Masters either.

What's Here?

There are three sections to this page:

  • Map, Special Project Suppliers in Maine: The suppliers on this interactive map are those generally visited by Ashley or brought to camps by her for Special Projects, although some were initially contacted by other team members.
  • Special Project Suppliers Outside Maine
  • Supplier List: This list includes everything from the Episode Resources lists on MCM’s own site.
Special Project Suppliers in Maine

Special Project suppliers outside of Maine are listed below the map.

Sidney, Maine
810 – Mow the Camp Down: Painting and blanket featuring the owners’ two dogs

1 College Circle
Bangor, Maine 04401
(207) 941-7000
807 – Cabin Spice: Replacement mattresses

184 Smithfield Road
Oakland, Maine 04963
(207) 561-0904
801 – Seize the Daylight Basement; Barn board King headboard and Twin bunk beds

521 Water Street
Gardiner, Maine 04345
(207) 680-0331
505 – A Re-Imagination: Barnboard Table

359 Riverside Drive
Augusta, Maine 04330
211 – Pilsbury Rafting Cabin: Log Bench

521 Water Street
Gardiner, Maine 04345
110 – A Camp on Two Ponds: Barn Board Table

10 Farwell Drive
Rockland, Maine 04841
106 – Not-So-Pleasant Camp on Pleasant Pond: Tension Fabric Structure

Windsor, Maine
606 – A Very Scary Camp: Leather seat inserts

400 Allen Avenue
Portland, Maine 04103
(207) 671-3465
709 – Landscaping, and stone fire pit

Appleton, Maine
706 – Refreshing the Cooper Cottage; Glass insulator pendant lights

Augusta, Maine
(407) 908-5773
706 – Refreshing the Cooper Cottage; Resin countertop

Portland, Maine
705 – A Former Family Cabin Reclaimed; Steel “movement” art

12 Rochester Street
Westbrook, Maine 04092
(207) 887-9609
705 – A Former Family Cabin Reclaimed; Laser-cut map of both the current and previously-owned properties

299 Presumpscot Street
Portland, Maine 04103
(207) 536-7542
704 – A Cabin Tribute for Mimi Eva: Custom kitchen cabinets

546 Paris Hill Road
South Paris, Maine 04281
(207) 890-8490
704 – A Cabin Tribute for Mimi Eva: Hooked rug pillows

165 Water Street
Gardiner, Maine 04345
(207) 582-0530
609 – 200-Year-Old Boathouse Revival: Maine Graphic Art
702 – A New Cabin Legacy: Maine Graphic Art

Hallowell, Maine
(207) 576-2472
702 – A New Cabin Legacy

540 Main Street
Wayne, Maine 04284
(207) 685-3300
503 – A Cabin for the Whole Family: Loon Whistle

Wayne, Maine
409 – Retrofit for the Whole Family: Decorative timberframe and wrought iron collar tie

102 Penobscot Avenue
Millinocket, Maine 04462
(207) 723-9200
213 – Family Fishing Cabin: Wall Planks

32 Cold Stream Lane
West Enfield, Maine 04493
(207) 399-9600
607 – Buttoned-Up and Bug-Free Legacy: Pine Tree Lampshades

31 Hathaway Hill Road
Livermore, Maine 04253
(207) 897-3335
205 – The Hiltz Camp
210 – Desert Pond Hideaway

6 Eagle Lodge Lane
Dresden, Maine 04342
(207) 737-2781
301 – Inspirations Brewing: Blown glass pendant lampshades
305 – Cabin Overhaul: Blown glass pendant lights from racing springs

25 Custom House Wharf
Portland, Maine 04101
(888) 210-4244
404 – Old Cabin, New Tricks: Sea bag tote with cabin location on chart

581 Main Road North
Hampden, Maine 04444
(207) 862-8793
604 – The Eyesore By the Shore: Child’s convertable boat-to-bed
609 – 200-Year-Old Boathouse Revival: Child’s convertable boat-to-bed

75 Market Street
Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 747-4754
313 – Diamond in the Rough: Adirondaquiri

Fort Fairfield, Maine
404 – Old Cabin, New Tricks: Maine Art

5 Lily Bay Road
Greenville, Maine 04441
(207) 695-3288
405 – A Multi-Family Affair: Floating Swim Mat

54 Washington Street
Auburn, Maine 04210
(207) 753-1360
307 – Stable Family Ties: Horseshoe Coat Racks and Door Knocker

Mount Desert, Maine
(207) 244-4466
103 – City Slickers Off The Grid: Seashell Tiles

688 Portland Road
Bridgton, Maine 04009
(207) 647-0980
310 – The Twister Camp: Outdoor Cliff Rock BBQ Island

25 West Street
Fairfield, Maine 04937
(207) 314-1083
206 – Taking It To the Finish Line: Stair Handrail
401 – A Cabin in Training: Caboose Entry Stairs and Platform
406 – Passport to Greenville: Outdoor Kitchen
604 – The Eyeshore by the Shore: Steel Fire Pit
610 – 2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms: Aluminum Catwalk and Ship’s Ladder
709 – The Foster’s Re-renovation: Plasma-cut “Foster” nameplate on the steel stair rail restored
714 – A Container Conversion: “Happy Hour Power” steel signage, customized spiral staircase, steel outdoor fireplace
807 – Cabin Spice: Steel decorative rails around woodstove, upper stair opening, and upper chimney
912 – All-Star Camp on Cobbossee: Library ladder, bridge

637 Rangeley Road
Phillips, Maine 04966
(207) 639-2392
303 – Ho-Ho-Home: Woodstove Hearth

2 Number 6 Road
Phillips, Maine 04966
(207) 639-2850
303 – Ho-Ho-Home: Rocking Moose

243 Washington Street
Bath, Maine 04530
(207) 443-1316
304 – Ship-Shape Shack: Lobster Bouy Wind Chime

102 Penobscot Avenue
Millinocket, Maine 04462
(207) 723-9200
214 – A Family Gathering Place: Countertops made from 19th-century water-aged logs

1003 Waldoboro Road
Bremen, Maine 04551
(207) 529-2220
304 – Ship-Shape Shack: Lobster Trap Float Rope Mats

16 Turner Way
Cutler, Maine 04626
(207) 557-6339
207 – Oyster Farm Shack: Oyster Shell-Filled Glass Blocks

97 Holman Day Road
Vassalboro, Maine 04989
(207) 620-2592
310 – The Twister Camp: Dual Adirondack Chairs
313 – Diamond in the Rough: 3-person Adirondack Chair

966 Western Avenue
Manchester, Maine 04351
(207) 370-8865
409 – Retrofit for the Whole Family: Upright Arcade Video Game Machine

94 River Road
New Portland, Maine 04961
(207) 628-4123
104 – Dated Cabin Turned Retreat: Dock
203 – Veteran’s Retreat

302 Campground Road
North Anson, Maine 04958
(207) 399-3622
407 – It Takes a Village: Totem Pole

151 Ridge Road
Monmouth, Maine 04259
(207) 933-9499
314 – Love Yurts: Ice Fishing Traps

183 South Belfast Road
Windsor, Maine 04363
(207) 215-8385
605 – New Wife, New Cabin Life: Restored the Hardwood Floors

2 Hammond Drive
Belgrade, Maine 04917
(207) 495-3303
214 – A Family Gathering Place: Tando Stone Siding
802 – The New Old Camp: Kitchen Design
Note: Hammond Lumber provides construction supplies in numerous episodes throughout the series.

290 West River Road
Waterville, Maine 04901
(207) 872-5660
604 – The Eyesore By the Shore: Canvas for Marine Sling Chair

903 Western Avenue
Manchester, Maine 04351
(207) 485-5691
412 – A Home for the Cabin Masters: Encaustic Art made from Bees Wax

1114 Roosevelt TrailNaples, Maine 04055(207) 693-3770https://greatnortherndocks.comEpisodes:303 – Ho-Ho-Home306 – Hook, Line, and Sinker310 – The Twister Camp312 – Golden Years Family Camp405 – A Multi-Family Affair408 – Ballard603 – The Old Fishing Camp604 – The Eyesore By the Shore610 – 2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms701 – Lobster Shack Scramble706 – Restoring the Cooper Cottage; Shoreline Dock Stairs806 – New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…808 – I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy Friends814 – Form, Function & Fun on Flying Pond901 – Legacy Camp on Maranacook Lake902 – The Red Camp in Belgrade1004 – Ryan and Ashley’s Private Island

412 Augusta Road
Winslow, Maine 04901
(207) 872-5941
201 – Bunganuc Creek Landmark: Live-Edge Furniture
215 – A Family Cabin Fit for a King: Live-Edge Furniture

25 Torrey Lane
Brooks, Maine 04921
(207) 505-0718
204 – Kids’ Dream Lake House
605 – New Wife, New Cabin Life
801 – Seize the Daylight Basement

Windham, Maine
(207) 797-2988
201 – Bunganuc Street Landmark: Metal Fish

1063 Litchfield Road
Bowdoin, Maine 04287
(207) 666-3040
210 – Desert Pond Hideaway: Gargoyle

8 Morin Street
Biddeford, Maine 04005
(800) 866-8101
203 – Veteran’s Retreat: Deck

Palmyra, Maine
401 – A Cabin in Training: Wood-Carved Rabbit Art

702 Lewiston Road
West Gardiner, Maine 04345
(207) 215-9508
407 – It Takes a Village: Disc Golf Goals

971 High Street
West Gardiner, Maine 04345
(207) 215-5312
604 – The Eyesore by the Shore: Concrete Retaining Wall

255 Augusta Road
Topsham, Maine 04086
(207) 725-1438
201 – Bunganu Creek Landmark: Stone Chairs
413 – An Island Retreat: Concrete Outdoor Pizza Oven

Mayflower Hill Drive
Waterville, Maine 04901
(207) 859-4000
601 – Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”: ‘C’ from basketball court, flooring
610 – 2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms: Bleacher Planks used as Catwalk Decking

Augusta, Maine
406 – Passport to Greenville: Carved Wooden Tap Handle

485 Chewonki Neck Road
Wiscasset, Maine 04578
(207) 882-7323
311 – A Legacy Preserved: Bat Boxes

74 Mill Street
Orono, Maine 04473
(207) 866-2171
408 – Ballard: Hammocks

904 Main Street
Monmouth, Maine 04259
(800) 552-2837
311 – A Legacy Preserved: Martha Washington Embroidered Bedspread

354 Main Street
Kingfield, Maine 04947
(207) 628-4123
302 – Paws, Present and Future

50 Industrial Way
Portland, Maine 04103
(800) 330-5385
301 – Inspirations Brewing: Used Wooden Beer Barrels for the Bar

Winterport, Maine
(207) 991.3799
308 – Past, Present, and Future: Painted Canvas Floor Cloths

17 Rumford Road
Rangeley, Maine 04970
(207) 864-3001
303 – Ho-Ho-Home

742 US Route 1
Hancock, Maine 04640
(207) 460-5905
103 – City Slickers Off The Grid: Chainsaw Lighthouse

875 Eastern Avenue
Augusta, Maine 04330
(207) 530-2520
102 – Dilapidated Island Cabin: Chainsaw Eagle
109 – Off The Grid Renovation: Chainsaw Bear
216 – A Cabin for the YMCA: Chainsaw Bench
610 – 2 Bathrooms, No Bedrooms: Chainsaw Eagle

Special Project Suppliers Outside Maine
Ep. #Episode TitleSpecial ProjectSupplierURLAddressCityStatePhone
205The Hiltz CampFire PitBum Drumshttps://bumdrums.comNorth WilbrahamMA
207Oyster Farm ShackFire PitBum Drumshttps://bumdrums.comNorth WilbrahamMA
314Love YurtsCacoonsCacoon USA – Loopie Design Inc.https://www.cacoonusa.com6204 Crathie LaneBethesdaMD(240) 743-4265
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseLake MatRave Sportshttps://www.ravesports.com985 Aldrin Dr., Suite 301St. PaulMN(800) 659-0790
308Past, Present, and FutureZip line and gearRopes Park Equipmenthttps://ropesparkequipment.com100 Western Blvd.GlastonburyCT(203) 692-4644
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampWooden lake mapArtwork by Lakeboundhttps://wearelakebound.comPortlandOR
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachLibrary LadderPutnam Rolling Ladder W21008 Meadow LaneJacksonWI(262) 375-7960
Supplier List


  • The initial material for this list was sourced from the Episode Resources on the individual pages on the Maine Cabin Masters Episode Guide. Information has been updated as necessary to ensure current information.
  • Additions have been made through watching episodes.
  • The Special Projects column does not include projects created by the MCM team or family members.
  • “(No resources provided for this episode)” indicates there were no Episode Resources listed on the MCM site.
  • This is a work-in-progress, so stay tuned!


  • John and Jake Marden were Chase and Ryan’s guests on the “From The Woodshed” episode #219. In that episode, they discussed how a lot of the furniture in almost every episode of Maine Cabin Masters, as well as the fabric Ashley uses to create throw pillows, comes from Marden’s Lewiston location. The Lewiston location’s information is:
    Marden’s – Lewiston, 750 Main St., (207) 786-0313


  • To show a different number of rows, change the number in the box.
  • To sort the entire table using one column, click the top of the column.
  • Using the Search box will give you all the rows that contain whatever you’re searching for.

101The Daggett Family CabinDockHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
102Dilapidated Island CabinEagle Head Chainsaw ArtBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern Ave.AugustaME(207) 530-2520
103City Slickers Off the GridChainsaw LighthouseChainsaw Ray Murphy US Highway 1HancockME(207) 460-5905
103City Slickers Off the GridSeashell TilesMickey Shattowhttp://www.ecoseatile.comMount DesertME(207) 244-4466
104Dated Cabin Turned RetreatDockJR Fabrication River Rd.New PortlandME(207) 628-4123
105Rebuilding the Old SchoolhouseNew Life Constructionhttps://newlifeconstruction.pro15 Camp StreetLeominsterMA(978) 549-2280
106Not-So-Pleasant Camp on Pleasant PondTension Fabric StructureDuvall Designhttps://www.duvalldesign.com10 Farwell Dr.RocklandME(207) 318-4559
106Not-So-Pleasant Camp on Pleasant PondBrownies Landscaping & Excavating38 Clark LaneWhitefieldME(207) 242-8121
106Not-So-Pleasant Camp on Pleasant PondVisit onlyCamden National Bank Ice Vaulthttps://www.maineicevault.com203 Whitten Rd.HallowellME(207) 622-6354
107A Cabin for the BrideDewey’s Lumber & Cedar Millhttps://www.deweyslumber.com140 Kager Mountain Rd.LibertyME(207) 589-4126
108130-Year-Old Island CabinPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
109Off-The-Grid RenovationChainsaw BearBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern Ave.AugustaME(207) 530-2520
110A Camp on Two PondsBarn Board TableBarn Boards and Morehttps://www.barnboardsandmore.com521 Water St.GardinerME(207) 213-6777
110A Camp on Two PondsYankee Fireplace Grill & Patiohttps://www.yankeefireplace.com140 South Main St.MiddletonMA(978) 774-1621
111Six Weeks for Two A-FramesStained glass hanging in the Buckin’ AChris Gregor, Stained Glass ArtistME
201Bunganuc Creek LandmarkStone ChairsCosmic Stone & Garden Supplyhttps://www.cosmicstonegarden.com255 Augusta Rd.TopshamME(207) 725-1438
201Bunganuc Creek LandmarkLive Edge FurnitureFortin’s Home Furnishingshttps://www.fortinstv.com412 Augusta Rd.WinslowME(207) 872-5941
201Bunganuc Creek LandmarkN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
201Bunganuc Creek LandmarkChair Doctorhttp://www.chairdoctormaine.com148 Poplar Hill Rd.TurnerME(207) 225-2293
201Bunganuc Creek LandmarkMetal FishFish In The Gardenhttps://www.fishinthegarden.netWindhamME(207) 797-2988
202Clearwater CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
202Clearwater CampFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
202Clearwater CampN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
203Veteran’s RetreatCosmic Stone & Garden Supplyhttps://www.cosmicstonegarden.com255 Augusta Rd.TopshamME(207) 725-1438
202Clearwater CampPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
203Veteran’s RetreatDeckDuraLife Deckinghttps://duralifedecking.com8 Morin St.BiddefordME(800) 866-8101
203Veteran’s RetreatHancock Lumberhttps://www.hancocklumber.com1267 Poland Springs RdCascoME(207) 627-4201
203Veteran’s RetreatDockJR Fabrication River Rd.New PortlandME(207) 628-4123
203Veteran’s RetreatShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
203Veteran’s RetreatTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseEpoxy FloorFloorEver Mainehttps://www.floorevermaine.com25 Torrey LaneBrooksME(207) 505-0718
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseCagne & Son Concretehttps://gagneandson.com28 Old Rt. 27 Rd.BelgradeME(207) 495-3313
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseJFRED Electric 446-8462
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
204Kids’ Dream Lake HousePDQ Garage Doorhttps://www.pdqdoor.com589 Main Road NorthHampdenME(207) 947-1899
204Kids’ Dream Lake HouseLake MatRave Sportshttps://www.ravesports.com985 Aldrin Dr., Suite 301St. PaulMN(800) 659-0790
205The Hiltz CampFire PitBum Drumshttps://bumdrums.comNorth WilbrahamMA
205The Hiltz CampCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
205The Hiltz CampO&P Glasshttp://opglass.com140 Capitol St.AugustaME(207) 622-3448
205The Hiltz CampDockTechno Aluminum Dockshttp://technoaluminumdocks.com31 Hathaway HillLivermoreME(207) 897-3335
206Taking It To The Finish LineHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
206Taking It To The Finish LineFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
206Taking It To The Finish LineStair HandrailMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
206Taking It To The Finish LinePaul Marcotte & Sons Cabinetshttps://paulmarcotteandsons.com419 Western Ave.AugustaME(207) 248-6233
206Taking It To The Finish LineYankee Fireplace Grill & Patiohttps://www.yankeefireplace.com140 South Main St.MiddletonMA(978) 774-1621
207Oyster Farm ShackFire PitBum Drumshttps://bumdrums.comNorth WilbrahamMA
207Oyster Farm ShackCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
207Oyster Farm ShackJFRED Electric 446-8462
207Oyster Farm ShackOyster shell-filled glass blocksMaine Coast Creationshttps://www.mainecoastcreations.com16 Turner WayCutlerME(207) 557-6339
207Oyster Farm ShackN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
208The BullpenFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
208The BullpenHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
208The BullpenPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
209Heirloom Home on the ShoreCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
209Heirloom Home on the ShoreHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
209Heirloom Home on the ShoreN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
210Desert Pond HideawayGargoyleElwell’s Masonry Litchfield Rd.Bowdoin CenterME(207) 666-3040
210Desert Pond HideawayFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
210Desert Pond HideawayHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
210Desert Pond HideawayVisit onlyGrace Restauranthttps://www.trineeventsgrace.com15 Chestnut St.PortlandME(207) 828-4423
210Desert Pond HideawayDockTechno Aluminum Dockshttp://technoaluminumdocks.com31 Hathaway HillLivermoreME(207) 897-3335
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinBelgrade Canoe and Kayak Augusta Rd.BelgradeME(207) 441-2661
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinElwell’s Masonry 666-3040
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinLog BenchJellison Traders Riverside Dr.AugustaME(207) 213-4063
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinKennebec River Anglerhttp://www.kennebecriverangler.com111 Main St.CaratunkME(207) 672-3408
211Pilsbury Rafting CabinMaine Insulation Systems Augusta Rd.BowdoinME(207) 431-1544
212Family’s Empty NestJFRED Electric 446-8462
212Family’s Empty NestN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
212Family’s Empty NestRobbins Lumber, Inc.https://www.rlco.com506 Main Street SouthSearsmontME(207) 342-5221
212Family’s Empty NestYankee Fireplace Grill & Patiohttps://www.yankeefireplace.com140 South Main St.MiddletonMA(978) 774-1621
213Family Fishing CabinFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
213Family Fishing CabinFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
213Family Fishing CabinHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
213Family Fishing CabinLongfellow’s Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast Rd.WindsorME(207) 445-4193
213Family Fishing CabinWall PlanksTimber Chichttps://timberchic.com102 Penobscot Ave.MillinocketME(207) 723-9200
214A Family Gathering PlaceFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
214A Family Gathering PlaceFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
214A Family Gathering PlaceCountertops made from 19th-century water-aged logsMaine Heritage Timberhttps://maineheritagetimber.com102 Penobscot Ave.MillinocketME(207) 723-9200
214A Family Gathering PlaceMaine Insulation Systems Augusta Rd.BowdoinME(207) 431-1544
214A Family Gathering PlaceN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
214A Family Gathering PlaceSomerset Stone & Sidinghttps://www.somersetstonecenter.com1078 Kennedy Memorial Dr.OaklandME(207) 465-9800
214A Family Gathering PlaceTando Stone SidingHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingDewey’s Lumber and Cedar Millhttps://www.deweyslumber.com140 Kager Mountain Rd.LibertyME(207) 589-4126
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingJewett Buildershttp://jewettbuilders.com6 Amity LanePittstonME(207) 582-1266
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingLive-edge table and mirrorFortin’s Home Furnishingshttps://www.fortinstv.com412 Augusta Rd.WinslowME(207) 872-5941
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
215A Family Cabin Fit for a KingSullivan Roofinghttps://www.sullivanroofingmaine.comHallowellME(207) 215-6603
216A Cabin for the YMCAChainsaw benchBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern Ave.AugustaME(207) 530-2520
216A Cabin for the YMCAFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
216A Cabin for the YMCAHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
216A Cabin for the YMCAMainely Trusseshttps://mainelytrusses.com7 Truss LaneFairfieldME(207) 453-4911
216A Cabin for the YMCAN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
216A Cabin for the YMCATechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
301Inspirations BrewingUsed wooden beer barrels for bar and balustersAllagash Brewing Companyhttps://www.allagash.com50 Industrial WayPortlandME(800) 330-5385
301Inspirations BrewingFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
301Inspirations BrewingBlown glass pendant lampshadesTandem Glasshttps://www.tandemglass.com6 Eagle Lodge LaneDresdenME(207) 737-2781
302Paws, Present and FutureDockAqua Lounge Dock Systemshttp://www.aqualoungedocks.com354 Main St.KingfieldME(207) 628-4123
302Paws, Present and FutureFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
302Paws, Present and FutureVisit onlyMain St. Mercantile Maine St.WinthropME(207) 557-4252
302Paws, Present and FutureTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
303Ho-Ho-HomeWoodstove45th Parallel Wood-Fired Grille Rumford Rd.OquossocME(207) 864-3001
303Ho-Ho-HomeBald Mountain Camps Resorthttp://baldmountaincamps.com125 Bald Mountain Rd.OquossocME(207) 864-3671
303Ho-Ho-HomeBlue Flame Gas Companyhttps://blueflamelp.com2497 Main St.RangeleyME(207) 864-8008
303Ho-Ho-HomeFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
303Ho-Ho-HomeDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
303Ho-Ho-HomeLarson Windowshttps://www.larsondoors.comBrookingsSD(888) 483-3768
303Ho-Ho-HomeRocking mooseMaine Rockershttps://www.mainerockers.com2 Number 6 Rd.PhillipsME(207) 639-2850
303Ho-Ho-HomeWoodstove hearthMaine School of Masonryhttps://masonryschool.org637 Rangeley Rd.AvonME(207) 639-2392
303Ho-Ho-HomeMorton and Furbish Real Estatehttps://www.morton-furbish.com2478 Main St.RangeleyME(207) 864-5777
303Ho-Ho-HomeRangeley Builders Supplyhttps://www.rangeleybuilderssupply.com2742 Main St.RangeleyME(207) 864-5644
303Ho-Ho-HomeVisit onlySarge’s Sports Pub & Grubhttp://sargessportspub.com2454 Main St.RangeleyME(207) 864-5616
304Ship-Shape ShackCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
304Ship-Shape ShackLobster trap float-rope matsMaine Coast Rope Rugshttps://mainecoastroperugs.com1003 Waldoboro Rd.BremenME(207) 529-2220
304Ship-Shape ShackVisit onlyMaine Helicoptershttps://www.mainecopters.com55 Town Farm LaneWhitefieldME(207) 549-3400
304Ship-Shape ShackLobster bouy wind chimeMaine Maritime Museumhttps://www.mainemaritimemuseum.org243 Washington St.BathME(207) 443-1316
305Cabin OverhaulElliott Pest Controlhttps://www.elliottpestcontrol.bizRangeleyME(207) 491-6961
305Cabin OverhaulFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
305Cabin OverhaulPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
305Cabin OverhaulRangeley Builders Supplyhttps://www.rangeleybuilderssupply.com2742 Main St.RangeleyME(207) 864-5644
305Cabin OverhaulBlown glass pendant lights from racing springsTandem Glasshttps://www.tandemglass.com6 Eagle Lodge LaneDresdenME(207) 737-2781
305Cabin OverhaulVisit onlyWiscasset Motor Speedwayhttp://wiscassetspeedway.com274 West Alna Rd.WiscassetME(207) 491–3720
306Hook, Line, and SinkerCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
306Hook, Line, and SinkerElliott Pest Controlhttps://www.elliottpestcontrol.bizRangeleyME(207) 491-6961
306Hook, Line, and SinkerVisit onlyFox Carlton Pond Sporting Campshttps://foxcarltonpond.com35 Fox Carlton Pond Rd.PhillipsME(207) 639-2538
306Hook, Line, and SinkerCagne & Son Concretehttps://gagneandson.com28 Old Rt. 27 Rd.BelgradeME(207) 495-3313
306Hook, Line, and SinkerDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
306Hook, Line, and SinkerMain-Land Development Consultantshttps://main-landdci.com69 Main St.Livermore FallsME(207) 897-6752
306Hook, Line, and SinkerN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
306Hook, Line, and SinkerWestern Maine Screen Doorshttps://www.westernmainescreendoors.com435 Carrabassett Rd.New PortlandME(207) 249-1687
307Stable Family TiesCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
307Stable Family TiesHorseshoe coat racks and door knockerNew England School of Metalworkhttps://newenglandschoolofmetalwork.com54 Washington St.AuburnME(207) 753-1360
307Stable Family TiesVisit onlySable Oak Equestrian Centerhttps://www.sableoakec.com38 Bridge Rd.BrunswickME(207) 443-4006
308Past, Present, and FuturePanted canvas floor matAddie Peet Designhttps://www.addiepeet.comWinterportME(207) 991.3799
308Past, Present, and FutureBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
308Past, Present, and FutureFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
308Past, Present, and FutureN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
308Past, Present, and FutureVisit onlyMonkey C Monkey Dohttps://www.monkeycmonkeydo.com698 Bath Rd.WiscassetME(207) 882-6861
308Past, Present, and FuturePinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
308Past, Present, and FutureZip line and gearRopes Park Equipmenthttps://ropesparkequipment.com100 Western Blvd.GlastonburyCT(203) 692-4644
308Past, Present, and FutureYukon Cottages LakeWinthropME(207) 395-4614
309The Honeymoon SuiteElliott Pest Controlhttps://www.elliottpestcontrol.bizRangeleyME(207) 491-6961
309The Honeymoon SuiteHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
309The Honeymoon SuiteMaine Insulation Systems Augusta Rd.BowdoinME(207) 431-1544
309The Honeymoon SuiteMain-Land Development Consultantshttps://main-landdci.com69 Main St.Livermore FallsME(207) 897-6752
309The Honeymoon SuiteNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
309The Honeymoon SuitePinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
309The Honeymoon SuitePinnacle Window Solutionshttps://pinnaclewindowsolutions.net17 Hope DriveHallowellME(207) 588-6590
310The Twister CampDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
310The Twister CampHancock Lumberhttps://www.hancocklumber.com1267 Poland Springs RdCascoME(207) 627-4201
310The Twister CampKennebec Lumber Companyhttps://www.kennebeclumber.com105 S. Main St.SolonME(207) 643-2110
310The Twister CampDual Adirondack chairsMaine Adirondack Chairshttps://maineadirondackchairs.com97 Holman Day Rd.VassalboroME(207) 620-2592
310The Twister CampOutdoor cliff rock BBQ islandMark’s Lawn & Gardenhttp://markslawnandgarden.com688 Portland Rd.BridgtonME(207) 647-0980
310The Twister CampVisit onlyPortland Hunt & Alpine Clubhttps://www.huntandalpineclub.com75 Market St.PortlandME(207) 747-4754
311A Legacy PreservedBirtwell Farm Goodshttps://birtwellfarmgoods.comWayneME
311A Legacy PreservedBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
311A Legacy PreservedFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
311A Legacy PreservedN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
311A Legacy PreservedMain-Land Development Consultantshttps://main-landdci.com69 Main St.Livermore FallsME(207) 897-6752
311A Legacy PreservedMaine Historic Preservation Commission Capitol St.AugustaME(207) 287-2132
311A Legacy PreservedParis Farmers Unionhttps://www.parisfarmersunion.com1435 Main St.OxfordME(207) 743-8976
311A Legacy PreservedBat boxesChewonki Foundationhttps://chewonki.org485 Chewonki Neck Rd.WiscassetME(207) 882-7323
311A Legacy PreservedMartha Washington embroidered bedspreadBates Mill Storehttps://www.batesmillstore.com904 Main St.MonmouthME(800) 552-2837
312Golden Years Family CampBridgton Fire & Rescue Iredale St.BridgtonME(207) 647-8814
312Golden Years Family CampEverlast Roofinghttps://everlastroofing.com24 JR Mains Dr.BridgtonME(207) 647-5500
312Golden Years Family CampDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
312Golden Years Family CampHancock Lumberhttps://www.hancocklumber.com1267 Poland Springs RdCascoME(207) 627-4201
312Golden Years Family CampMark’s Lawn & Gardenhttp://markslawnandgarden.com688 Portland Rd.BridgtonME(207) 647-0980
312Golden Years Family CampSalter Spiral Stairshttps://www.salterspiralstair.com105 G.P. Clement Dr.CollegevillePA(610) 489-5799
313Diamond In The RoughAqua Terra Vapor Blastinghttps://aquaterrablasting.com14 Ridge Rd.Tenants HarborME(207) 542-7092
313Diamond In The RoughVisit onlyCamp Modinhttps://www.modin.com51ModinWayBelgradeME(207) 465-4444
313Diamond In The RoughFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
313Diamond In The Rough3-person Adirondack chairMaine Adirondack Chairshttps://maineadirondackchairs.com97 Holman Day Rd.VassalboroME(207) 620-2592
313Diamond In The RoughN.C. Hunt Lumberhttps://nchuntlumber.com200 South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
313Diamond In The RoughSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
313Diamond In The RoughAdirondaquiriPortland Hunt & Alpine Clubhttps://www.huntandalpineclub.com75 Market St.PortlandME(207) 747-4754
313Diamond In The RoughShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
314Love YurtsCacoonsCacoon USA – Loopie Design Inc.https://www.cacoonusa.com6204 Crathie LaneBethesdaMD(240) 743-4265
314Love YurtsCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
314Love YurtsIce fishing trapsJack Traps Ice Fishing Outfittershttps://jacktraps.com151 Ridge Rd.MonmouthME(207) 933-9499
314Love YurtsLaPointe Lumber – Hancock Lumberhttps://www.hancocklumber.com1267 Poland Springs RdCascoME(207) 627-4201
314Love YurtsVisit onlyUrban Elementhttp://urbanelement207.com235 Lewiston Rd.TopshamME(207) 406-4891
315A Dream Come True – HockeytownFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
315A Dream Come True – HockeytownHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
315A Dream Come True – HockeytownVisit onlyIce Vaulthttps://www.maineicevault.com203 Whitten Rd.HallowellME(207) 622-6354
316The Dixie Dog DenCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
316The Dixie Dog DenClassical Wood Floorshttp://www.classicalwoodfloors.com631 Sennebec Rd.UnionME(207) 785-5200
316The Dixie Dog DenHorch Roofinghttps://horchroofing.com170 Warren Ave., Suite 100WestbrookME(207) 273-1111
316The Dixie Dog DenLaPointe Lumber – Hancock Lumberhttps://www.hancocklumber.com1267 Poland Springs RdCascoME(207) 627-4201
316The Dixie Dog DenPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
316The Dixie Dog DenSpray Foam of Mainehttps://www.sprayfoamofmaine.com557 Hallowell-Litchfield Rd.West GardinerME(207) 724-3746
401A Cabin in TrainingVisit onlyBelfast and Moosehead Lake Railroadhttps://belfastandmooseheadlakerail.orgP.O. Box 326UnityME(207) 315-9410
401A Cabin in TrainingBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
401A Cabin in TrainingWood-carved rabbit artDoug Frati – Maine Artist
401A Cabin in TrainingEverlast Roofinghttps://everlastroofing.com24 JR Mains Dr.BridgtonME(207) 647-5500
401A Cabin in TrainingFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
401A Cabin in TrainingHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
401A Cabin in TrainingNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
401A Cabin in TrainingCaboose entry stairs and platformMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
402A Lobster Legacy ShackBrightside Marine Hulin Rd. (PO Box 111)Belgrade LakesME(207) 495-3680
402A Lobster Legacy ShackNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
402A Lobster Legacy ShackNELMA Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
402A Lobster Legacy ShackSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
403The Call of the LoonBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
403The Call of the LoonCharles Aucoin Logging390 Pritham Ave.GreenvilleME(207) 695-2271
403The Call of the LoonVisit onlyFlatlander’s Pub Pritham Ave.GreenvilleME(207) 695-3373
403The Call of the LoonHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
403The Call of the LoonJeld-Wen Windows and Doors Silver Crescent DriveCharlotteNC(800) 535-3936
403The Call of the LoonKnox Masonry Main St.BucksportME(207) 469-2220
403The Call of the LoonNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
403The Call of the LoonNortheastern Lumber Manufacturer’s Association Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
403The Call of the LoonVisit onlyMaine Guide Fly Shop and Guide Service Moosehead Lake Road (PO Box 1202)GreenvilleME(207) 695-2266
403The Call of the LoonShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
403The Call of the LoonVisit onlyStress Free Moose Pub Pritham Ave.GreenvilleME(207) 695-3100
404Old Cabin, New TricksBowdoin College Maine StreetBrunswickME(207) 725-3000
404Old Cabin, New TricksBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
404Old Cabin, New TricksDownEaster Trailer Old Lisbon RoadTopshamME(207) 729-5101
404Old Cabin, New TricksFrancis Folsom Landscaping Callahan DriveAugustaME(207) 215-8459
404Old Cabin, New TricksHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
404Old Cabin, New TricksNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
404Old Cabin, New TricksLongfellow’s Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast Rd.WindsorME(207) 445-4193
404Old Cabin, New TricksMaine artPeggy Hemberg Bosse FairfieldME
404Old Cabin, New TricksSea bag tote with cabin location on chartSea Bags Custom House WharfPortlandME(888) 210-4244
405A Multi-Family AffairVisit onlyCentral Maine & Quebec Railway Main Street, Suite 3BangorME(800) 222-1433
405A Multi-Family AffairDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
405A Multi-Family AffairHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
405A Multi-Family AffairKatahdin Cruises & Moosehead Marine Museum Lily Bay RoadGreenvilleME(207) 695-2716
405A Multi-Family AffairNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
405A Multi-Family AffairFloating swim matNorthwoods Outfitters Lily Bay Rd.GreenvilleME(207) 695-3288
405A Multi-Family AffairVisit onlySpring Creek Bar B-Q Greenville RoadMonsonME(207) 997-7025
406Passport to GreenvilleCharles Aucoin Logging390 Pritham Ave.GreenvilleME(207) 695-2271
406Passport to GreenvilleAqua Terra Vapor Blasting Ridge RdTenants HarborME(207) 542-7092
406Passport to GreenvilleFrancis Folsom Landscaping Callahan DriveAugustaME(207) 215-8459
406Passport to GreenvilleCarved wood tap handleChrysalis Carvings – Jonathan Leach
406Passport to GreenvilleMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
406Passport to GreenvilleMike Theriault Construction Industrial Park Road (PO Box 731)GreenvilleME(207) 280-2946
406Passport to GreenvilleSomerset Stone and Stove Kennedy Memorial DriveOaklandME(207) 465-9800
406Passport to GreenvilleSpray Foam of Maine Hallowell-Litchfield Rd.West GardinerME(207) 724-3746
406Passport to GreenvilleSheldon Slate Company Farm Quarry RoadMonsonME(207) 997-3615
406Passport to GreenvilleTechno Metal Post Granite Hill RdManchesterME(207) 623-3244
407It Takes a VillageCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
407It Takes a VillageDisc golf goalsCR Farms Disc Golf Lewiston RoadGardinerME(207) 215-9508
407It Takes a VillageDuraLife Decking Freeway CircleMiddleburg HeightsOH(877) 265-2220
407It Takes a VillageChainsaw totem poleJosh Landry Campground Rd.North AnsonME(207) 399-3622
407It Takes a VillageThe Maine Wood Treaters Walker RoadMechanic FallsME(207) 345-8411
407It Takes a VillageSitelines Purinton Road, Suite ABrunswickME(207) 725-1200
407It Takes a VillageTechno Metal Post Granite Hill RdManchesterME(207) 623-3244
408BallardPeter Ames Masonry
408BallardDewey’s Lumber and Cedar Millhttps://www.deweyslumber.com140 Kager Mountain Rd.LibertyME(207) 589-4126
408BallardDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
408BallardKnowles Lumber US Route 202MonmouthME(207) 933-4311
408BallardVisit onlyMaine State Museum State StreetAugustaME(207) 287-2301
408BallardNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
408BallardVasvary Electric 754-4293
408BallardWingate Landscaping Brunswick Avenue (PO Box 537)GardinerME(207) 588-6146
408BallardWinthrop Fuel Route 133WinthropME(207) 377-8414
408BallardHammocksByer of Mainehttps://byerofmaine.com74 Mill St.OronoME(207) 866-2171
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyDecorative timberframe and wrought iron collar tieVincent Birtwell Timber FrameWayneME
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyCanyon Springs Landscapinghttps://canyonspringslandscaping.com232 County RoadTurnerME(207) 576-2155
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyGosline’s Hardware Maine AvenueFarmingdaleME(207) 582-1900
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyUpright arcade video gameM&J PC Repair Western Avenue, Suite 2ManchesterME(207) 370-8865
409Retrofit for the Whole FamilyPine Tree Fence Lewiston RoadLitchfieldME(207) 588-0600
410Lighthouse PointPeter Ames Masonry
410Lighthouse PointBrosco Windows and Doorshttps://www.brosco.com35 Upton DriveWilmingtonMA(978) 475-7100
410Lighthouse PointFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
410Lighthouse PointJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
410Lighthouse PointNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
411An Uphill BattleHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
411An Uphill BattleJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
412A Home for the Cabin MastersEncaustic art made from bees waxHélène Farrar Art Studiohttps://www.helenefarrar.com903 Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 485-5691
413An Island RetreatLloyd Bryant Plumbing & Heating90 Royal St.WinthropME(207) 395-2400
413An Island RetreatConcrete outdoor pizza ovenCosmic Stone & Garden Supplyhttps://www.cosmicstonegarden.com255 Augusta Rd.TopshamME(207) 725-1438
501A Dream Come True(no resources provided for this episode)
502Cabin Masters to the Rescue(no resources provided for this episode)
503A Cabin for the Whole FamilyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
503A Cabin for the Whole FamilyLoon whistleWayne Village Pottery Main StreetWayneME(207) 685-3300
504Keeping the Dreams Alive(no resources provided for this episode)
505A Re-ImaginationBarnboard TableJ. Donohoe Co.521 Water St.GardinerME(207) 680-0331
506A Cabin for Future GenerationsShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
507A Changing of the Guard’s CampHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
507A Changing of the Guard’s CampMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”‘C’ from basketball court, flooringColby College Hill DriveWatervilleME(207) 859-4000
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”Hammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”Folsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”Vasvary Electric 754-4293
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”Longfellow’s Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast Rd.WindsorME(207) 445-4193
601Preserving a Passion that’s “In-Tents”Mainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeGrandy Oats Schoolhouse RoadHiramME(207) 933-7415
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeLongfellow’s Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast Rd.WindsorME(207) 445-4193
602Peace, Love and a Fallen Pine TreeShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
603The Old Fishing CampVisit onlyChadwick’s Craft Spirits Chadwick LanePittstonME(207) 592-9080
603The Old Fishing CampColby College Hill DriveWatervilleME(207) 859-4000
603The Old Fishing CampDewey’s Lumber Kager Mountain RoadLibertyME(207) 589-4126
603The Old Fishing CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
603The Old Fishing CampDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
603The Old Fishing CampHabitat for Humanity Re-Store Silver Street (PO Box 1972)WatervilleME(207) 616-0166
603The Old Fishing CampJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
603The Old Fishing CampTom LaVerdiere ExcavationDresdenME
603The Old Fishing CampNC Hunt Lumber South Clary Rd.JeffersonME(207) 549-0922
603The Old Fishing CampParis Farmer’s Union Main StreetOxfordME(800) 639-3603
603The Old Fishing CampShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
604The Eyesore by the ShoreCountryside Concrete High St.West GardinerME(207) 215-5312
604The Eyesore by the ShoreFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
604The Eyesore by the ShoreDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
604The Eyesore by the ShoreConcrete retaining wallRedi-Rock of Central Mainehttps://www.rrocm.com165 Main St.SangervilleME(207) 876-4412
604The Eyesore by the ShoreCanvas for marine canvas sling chairHamlin’s Marinehttps://www.hamlinsmarina.com290 West River Rd.WatervilleME(207) 872-5660
604The Eyesore by the ShoreHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
604The Eyesore by the ShoreSteel fire pitMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
604The Eyesore by the ShorePinnacle Tree Water Street, Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
604The Eyesore by the ShoreRedi-Rock Main Street (PO Box 339)SangervilleME(207) 876-4002
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeColby College Hill DriveWatervilleME(207) 859-4000
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeFabian Oil Main StreetOaklandME(207) 465-2000
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeEpoxy floor in the basementFloorEver Maine Torrey LaneBrooksME(207) 505-0718
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeRestored the hardwood floorsHardwood Floors by Rick (Rick Trask)183 South Belfast RoadWindsorME(207) 215-8385
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeHotham Concrete Cote LaneWinslowME(207) 465-5194
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeNELMA Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeSomerset Stone and Stove Kennedy Memorial DriveOaklandME(207) 465-9800
605New Wife, New Cabin LifeVasvary Electric 754-4293
606A Very Scary CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
606A Very Scary CampHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
606A Very Scary CampJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
606A Very Scary CampLeather chair insertsKennedy and Companyhttps://kcomaine.comWindsorME
606A Very Scary CampLedge Hill Creations89 Ledge Hill RoadPittstonME(207) 740-5110
606A Very Scary CampLongfellow’s Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast Rd.WindsorME(207) 445-4193
606A Very Scary CampNELMA Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyFabian Oil Main StreetOaklandME(207) 465-2000
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyHabitat for Humanity Re-Store Warren AvenuePortlandME(207) 221-0047
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyPine tree lampshadesThe Maine Spruce House Coldstream LaneWest EnfieldME(207) 399-9600
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyRolfe’s Well Drilling Northern AvenueFarmingdaleME(207) 622-4018
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacySlider Cushion RepairScott Ranch Canvas & Upholsteryhttps://scottranchcanvas.com893 North RoadMount VernonME(207) 293-4447
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacyShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
607Buttoned Up and Bug-Free LegacySomerset Stone and Stove Kennedy Memorial DriveOaklandME(207) 465-9800
608It Takes a Village of PeopleAtlas Structural Systems Industrial Park St.RichibuctoNB(877) 422-1344
608It Takes a Village of PeopleColby College Hill DriveWatervilleME(207) 859-4000
608It Takes a Village of PeopleFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
608It Takes a Village of PeopleHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
608It Takes a Village of PeopleJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
608It Takes a Village of PeopleNELMA Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
608It Takes a Village of PeopleSteel-It Steel Roofing Center Route 202GreeneME(207) 946-6071
608It Takes a Village of PeopleTechno Metal Post Granite Hill RdManchesterME(207) 623-3244
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalMaine graphic artAlan Claude Graphic Arthttps://alanclaude.com165 Water St.GardinerME(207) 582-0530
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalMolly Trolley Willie Hill RoadWellsME(207) 646-5908
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalPinnacle Tree Water Street, Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalChild’s convertable boat-to-bedPuffin Boats Main Road NorthHampdenME(207) 862-8793
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
609200-Year-Old Boathouse RevivalSteve’s Appliance & Furniture Pond RoadSidneyME(207) 547-3294
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsEagle chainsaw carvingBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern AvenueAugustaME(207) 530-2520
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsAluminum catwalk and ship’s ladderMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsVasvary Electric 754-4293
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
610Two Bathrooms, No BedroomsBleacher planks used as catwalk deckingColby College Hill DriveWatervilleME(207) 859-4000
701Lobster Shack ScrambleDockGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
701Lobster Shack ScrambleHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
701Lobster Shack ScrambleJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
701Lobster Shack ScrambleKennebec Marine Serviceshttps://kennebecmarine.comBathME(207) 442-9729
701Lobster Shack ScrambleNew Meadows Marinahttps://www.newmeadowsmarina.com450 Bath Rd.New BrunswickME(207) 443-6277
701Lobster Shack ScrambleSolar panel systemSheepscot Sound & Solarhttps://soundandsolar.comWhitefieldME(207) 380-5538
702A New Cabin LegacyAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
702A New Cabin LegacyMaine graphic artAlan Claude Graphic Arthttps://alanclaude.com165 Water St.GardinerME(207) 582-0530
702A New Cabin LegacyExterior stain & trimBenjamin Moore 724-6802
702A New Cabin LegacyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
702A New Cabin LegacyJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
702A New Cabin LegacyHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
702A New Cabin LegacyFused glass nightlight, and loon window hangingJJaramilloArt 576-2472
702A New Cabin LegacyMarden’s Surplus & Salvagehttps://www.mardens.com100 Benton Ave.WinslowME(207) 873-6113
702A New Cabin LegacyShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
703Rivalry at the Chadwick Cabin(no resources provided for this episode)
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaBenjamin Moore 724-6802
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaFabian Oil Main StreetOaklandME(207) 465-2000
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaNELMA Tuttle Rd.Cumberland CenterME(207) 829-6901
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaMaine Spray Foam Serviceshttps://sprayfoaminsulationmaine.comME(207) 342-3077
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaRiverside Disposalhttps://www.riversidedisposal.com700 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 623-2577
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaHooked rug pillowsParris House Wool Workshttps://parrishousewoolworks.com546 Paris Hill Rd.South ParisME(207) 890-8490
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaRobbins Lumber, Inc.https://www.rlco.com506 Main Street SouthSearsmontME(207) 342-5221
704A Cabin Tribute to Mimi EvaCustom kitchen cabinetsWoodlabhttps://www.woodlab.me299 Presumpscot St.PortlandME(207) 536-7542
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedLaser-cut map of both the current and previously-owned propertiesBenoit’s Design Co. Rochester St.WestbrookME(207) 887-9609
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedChase Toyshttps://chasetoysinc.com417 Thorndike Rd.UnityME(207) 948-5729
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedMaine Spray Foam Serviceshttps://sprayfoaminsulationmaine.comME(207) 342-3077
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedMarden’s Surplus & Salvagehttps://www.mardens.com100 Benton Ave.WinslowME(207) 873-6113
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedSundance Coatingshttps://sundancewoodstain.com3050 Hunsinger Lane, Suite 20981LouisvilleKY(502) 354-3209
705A Former Family Cabin ReclaimedSteel “movement” artJamison York Metal Works
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageBenjamin Moore 724-6802
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageShoreline dock stairsGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageRiverside Disposalhttps://www.riversidedisposal.com700 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 623-2577
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageResin countertopRustic Wave Arthttps://rusticwave.comAugustaME(407) 908-5773
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
706Refreshing the Cooper CottageGlass insulator pendant lightsSnow Hill Lighting
707The $25 Manchester Post OfficeAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
707The $25 Manchester Post OfficeFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
707The $25 Manchester Post OfficeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
707The $25 Manchester Post OfficeJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
708A Cabin Built by BampyAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
708A Cabin Built by BampyExterior paint, Olympus Green 679Benjamin Moore 724-6802
708A Cabin Built by BampyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
708A Cabin Built by BampyHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
708A Cabin Built by BampyJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
708A Cabin Built by BampyKora Shriner’shttps://korashriners.org11 Sabattus St.LewistonME(207) 782-6831
708A Cabin Built by BampyShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
708A Cabin Built by BampySteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
709The Foster’s Re-renovationLandscaping & fire pitAudet Enterpriseshttps://www.audetenterprises.com400 Allen Ave.PortlandME(207) 671-3465
709The Foster’s Re-renovationBy The Board Lumber Co.https://www.bytheboardlumber.com7 Farnham Drive (Route 17)ReadfieldME(207) 685-4536
709The Foster’s Re-renovationHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
709The Foster’s Re-renovationJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
709The Foster’s Re-renovationPlasma-cut “Foster” nameplate on the steel stair rail restorationMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
709The Foster’s Re-renovationMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
709The Foster’s Re-renovationSany Equipment Mill Brooke Road, Unit 16SacoME(800) 637-0066
709The Foster’s Re-renovationShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
709The Foster’s Re-renovationSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewL.G. Whitcomb Grading and Landscaping 930-5683
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
710Updating a Lincolnville LakeviewVasvary Electric 754-4293
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItBenjamin Moore 724-6802
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItJFred ElectricChinaME(207) 446-8462
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItKing’s Arrow Co.https://kingsarrowco.com190 South Rd.FayetteME(207) 215-1775
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItL.G. Whitcomb Grading and Landscaping 930-5683
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItMaine Insulation Systems Augusta Rd.BowdoinME(207) 431-1544
711Cabin With a Stream Running Through ItPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampWooden lake mapArtwork by Lakeboundhttps://wearelakebound.comID
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampCamp Sunshinehttps://www.campsunshine.org35 Acadia Rd.CasoME(207) 655-3800
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampJFRED Electric 446-8462
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
712Revamping the Cook’s Beach CampPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!By The Board Lumber Co.https://www.bytheboardlumber.com7 Farnham Drive (Route 17)ReadfieldME(207) 685-4536
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Camp Sunshinehttps://www.campsunshine.org35 Acadia Rd.CasoME(207) 655-3800
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Definitive Brewinghttps://www.definitivebrewing.com35 Industrial WayPortlandME(207) 536-1288
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Folsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Hammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!JFRED Electric 446-8462
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Shad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
713Camp ‘Contee Going Up!Steve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
714A Container Conversion“Happy Hour Power” steel signage, customized spiral staircase, steel outdoor fireplaceMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrails.com25 West St.FairfieldME(207) 314-1083
715A Medieval Maine MakeoverHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
715A Medieval Maine MakeoverSany Equipment Mill Brooke Road, Unit 16SacoME(800) 637-0066
716A Blank Slate Build for MomAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
716A Blank Slate Build for MomArbor Technologieshttps://arbortechnologies.me99 Webb Rd.WatervilleME(207) 877-4128
716A Blank Slate Build for MomCamp Sunshinehttps://www.campsunshine.org35 Acadia Rd.CasoME(207) 655-3800
716A Blank Slate Build for MomFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
716A Blank Slate Build for MomHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
716A Blank Slate Build for MomJFRED Electric 446-8462
716A Blank Slate Build for MomShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
716A Blank Slate Build for MomSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
716A Blank Slate Build for MomTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
801Seize the Daylight BasementAudet Enterpriseshttps://www.audetenterprises.com400 Allen Ave.PortlandME(207) 671-3465
801Seize the Daylight BasementEpoxy floor in the basementFloorEver Maine Torrey LaneBrooksME(207) 505-0718
801Seize the Daylight BasementHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
801Seize the Daylight BasementHotham Concrete 465-5194
801Seize the Daylight BasementBarn board King headboard and Twin bunk bedsLovejoy Rustic Furniturehttps://lovejoyfurniture.com184 Smithfield Rd.OaklandME(207) 561-0904
801Seize the Daylight BasementMaine Insulation Systems Lakewood Rd.MadisonME(207) 431-1544
801Seize the Daylight BasementMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
801Seize the Daylight BasementRAM Jacking & Leveling
801Seize the Daylight BasementRoss Caron
801Seize the Daylight BasementVasvary Electric
802The New Old CampAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
802The New Old CampAcorn Manufacturinghttps://acornmfg.com457 School St.MansfieldMA(508) 339-4500
802The New Old CampBenjamin Moore 724-6802
802The New Old CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
802The New Old CampKitchen Design Hammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
802The New Old CampJFRED Electric 446-8462
802The New Old CampMaine Spray Foam Serviceshttps://sprayfoaminsulationmaine.comME(207) 342-3077
802The New Old CampRiverside Disposalhttps://www.riversidedisposal.com700 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 623-2577
802The New Old CampShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
802The New Old CampTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
803Give a Dog a CampBenjamin Moore 724-6802
803Give a Dog a CampDurgin and Crowellhttps://www.durginandcrowell.com231 Fisher Corner RdSpringfieldNH(603) 763-2860
803Give a Dog a CampFabian Oilhttps://www.fabianoil.com20 Oak StreeOaklandME(207) 465-4550
803Give a Dog a CampFayette Ridge Riders Snowmobile Club 320-0284
803Give a Dog a CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
803Give a Dog a CampJFRED Electric 446-8462
803Give a Dog a CampMayflower Pembroke Welsh Corgi Clubhttps://www.mayflowercorgiclub.orgMA
803Give a Dog a CampParis Farmers’ Unionhttps://www.parisfarmersunion.com1435 Main StreetOxfordME(207) 743-8976
803Give a Dog a CampTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
804Summer Camp ComfortFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
804Summer Camp ComfortHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
804Summer Camp ComfortJFRED Electric 446-8462
804Summer Camp ComfortTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
804Summer Camp ComfortYMCA Camp of Mainehttps://www.maineycamp.org305 Winthrop Center RoadWinthropME(207) 395-4200
805A Cabin for KarlyFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
805A Cabin for KarlyFowler’s Roofing & Constructionhttp://fowlersroofing.com672 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 582-1917
805A Cabin for KarlyHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
805A Cabin for KarlyJFRED Electric 446-8462
805A Cabin for KarlyNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
805A Cabin for KarlyPinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
805A Cabin for KarlyR.J. Energy Services, Inc.https://www.rjenergy.com2184 N. Belfast AvenueAugustaME(207) 622-7720
805A Cabin for KarlyRiverside Disposalhttps://www.riversidedisposal.com700 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 623-2577
805A Cabin for KarlyShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
805A Cabin for KarlySteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
805A Cabin for KarlyTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…AAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Benjamin Moore 724-6802
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Folsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Great Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Hammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…JFRED Electric 446-8462
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Longfellow Cedar Shingles & Shakeshttps://longfellowscedarshingles.com431 South Belfast RoadWindsorME(207) 445-4193
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Lovejoy Rustic Furniturehttps://lovejoyfurniture.com184 Smithfield Rd.OaklandME(207) 561-0904
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Pinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
806New Cabin in Tree, Two, One…Steve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
807Cabin Spice201 Powersportshttp://201powersports.com29 Maine St.BinghamME(207) 672-3773
807Cabin SpiceFlagstaff General Storehttps://flagstaffgeneral.com108 Main St.StrattonME(207) 246-2300
807Cabin SpiceHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
807Cabin SpiceReplacement mattressesHusson Universityhttps://www.husson.edu1 College CircleBangorME(207) 941-7000
807Cabin SpiceSteel decorative rails around woodstove, upper stair opening, and upper chimneyMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrailsllc.com25 West St. FairfieldME(207) 238-0051
807Cabin SpiceSugarloafhttps://www.sugarloaf.com5092 Sugarloaf Access Rd.Carrabassett ValleyME(800) 843-5623
807Cabin SpiceUniversity of Mainehttps://umaine.eduOronoME(207) 581-1865
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsExterior is Hamilton Blue HC-191, the deck is Saker Beige HC-45.Benjamin Moore 724-6802
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsChainsaw-carved frog bendBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern Ave.AugustaME(207) 530-2520
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsShoreline protection and retention pondFriends of the Cobbossee Watershedhttps://watershedfriends.com2518 US Route 202WinthropME(207) 395-5239
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsFrog shelf bracketsMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrailsllc.com25 West St. FairfieldME(207) 238-0051
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsMaine Floathttps://www.mainefloat.comPO Box 61WinthropME
808I Get By With a Little Help from Froggy FriendsShoreline protection and retention pondYouth Conservation Corps, 7 Lakes Alliance 495-6039
809Camp Lucky SevenArchie’s Disposalhttps://www.archiesinc.com360 River Rd.MexicoME(207) 778-3818
809Camp Lucky SevenAurora Roofing and Solarhttps://www.auroraroofingsolar.com805 Farmington Falls Rd #6FarmingtonME(207) 653-1575
809Camp Lucky SevenBenjamin Moore 724-6802
809Camp Lucky SevenHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
809Camp Lucky SevenJFRED Electric 446-8462
809Camp Lucky SevenM. Wahl Excavation Maple StreetKingfieldME207-265-4622
809Camp Lucky SevenShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
809Camp Lucky SevenSpray-Foam of Mainehttps://www.sprayfoamofmaine.com557 Hallowell-Litchfield Rd.West GardinerME(207) 724-3746
809Camp Lucky SevenTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
810Mow the House DownBenjamin Moore 724-6802
810Mow the House DownFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
810Mow the House DownHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
810Mow the House DownJFRED Electric 446-8462
810Mow the House DownMaine Floathttps://www.mainefloat.comPO Box 61WinthropME
810Mow the House DownPainting and blanket featuring the owners’ two dogsMarie Spaulding Arthttps://mariespauldingart.comSydneyME
810Mow the House DownMerkaba Solhttps://www.merkabasol.com223 Water St.AugustaME(207) 922-9916
810Mow the House DownRiverside Disposalhttps://www.riversidedisposal.com700 River Rd.ChelseaME(207) 623-2577
810Mow the House DownSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
810Mow the House DownTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationBenjamin Moore 724-6802
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationFlagstaff General Storehttps://flagstaffgeneral.com108 Main St.StrattonME(207) 246-2300
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationJFRED Electric 446-8462
811A Penobscot Nation PreservationMattsons Flooring & Window Treatments Whitten RoadHallowellME(207) 620-8888
812Camp Over Troubled WatersBenjamin Moore 724-6802
812Camp Over Troubled WatersCentral Maine Surf Co.https://www.centralmainesurfcompany.comPub Boat Landing RdBelgradeME(207) 370-2422
812Camp Over Troubled WatersFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
812Camp Over Troubled WatersHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
812Camp Over Troubled WatersJFRED Electric 446-8462
812Camp Over Troubled WatersShad’s Custom Countertopshttps://getshad.com11 Collins Pond Rd.WindhamME(207) 893-3445
812Camp Over Troubled WatersSpray-Foam of Mainehttps://www.sprayfoamofmaine.com557 Hallowell-Litchfield Rd.West GardinerME(207) 724-3746
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneAmramp Accessibilityhttps://amramp.com358 North St.RandallMA(888) 715-7598
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneBurns Bears – Maine Chainsaw Carving Eastern Ave.AugustaME(207) 530-2520
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrailsllc.com25 West St. FairfieldME(207) 238-0051
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryonePinnacle Tree Servicehttp://www.pinnacletreearborist.com227 Water St., Suite 208AugustaME(207) 462-2222
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
813Outdoor Accessibility for EveryoneWhipple Calloender Architectshttp://www.whipplecallender.comPO Box 1276PortlandME(207) 775-2696
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondJFRED Electric 446-8462
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondMt. Vernon Fire Departmenthttp://www.firedeptmtvernon.orgMt. VernonME
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondReadfield Fire Department
814Form, Function & Fun on Flying PondTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
815Trolley Good Family CampAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
815Trolley Good Family CampBenjamin Moore 724-6802
815Trolley Good Family CampBurns Well Drillinghttps://burnswelldrilling.com280 Wilton Rd.FarmingtonME(207)-778-3813
815Trolley Good Family CampDurgin & Crowellhttps://www.durginandcrowell.com231 Fisher Corner RdSpringfieldNH(603) 763-2860
815Trolley Good Family CampFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
815Trolley Good Family CampHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
815Trolley Good Family CampJFRED Electric 446-8462
815Trolley Good Family CampLakeside Lodge & Marinahttps://lakesidelodging.com77 Turtle Run RoadEast WinthropME(207) 395–6741
815Trolley Good Family CampPortland Architectural Salvagehttps://www.portlandsalvage.com131 Preble St.PortlandME(207) 780-0634
815Trolley Good Family CampSpray-Foam of Mainehttps://www.sprayfoamofmaine.com557 Hallowell-Litchfield Rd.West GardinerME(207) 724-3746
815Trolley Good Family CampSteve’s Appliance & Furniturehttps://www.stevesapplianceme.com6 Pond Rd.SydneyME(207) 547-3294
901Legacy Camp on Maranacook LakeBackwoods Renovations
901Legacy Camp on Maranacook LakeBenjamin Moore 724-6802
901Legacy Camp on Maranacook LakeGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
901Legacy Camp on Maranacook LakeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
901Legacy Camp on Maranacook LakeJFRED Electric 446-8462
902The Red Camp in BelgradeAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
902The Red Camp in BelgradeDrive Maine Classic Car Rentalshttps://experiencedrivemaine.com105 Costello RdGardinerME(207) 860-9019
902The Red Camp in BelgradeGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
902The Red Camp in BelgradeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
902The Red Camp in BelgradeJFRED Electric 446-8462
The Red Camp in BelgradeFolsom Landscape Fabrications Callahan Dr.AugustaME(207) 215-8459
902The Red Camp in BelgradeAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
903Ski CabinBenjamin Moore 724-6802
903Ski CabinBlack Mountain of Mainehttps://skiblackmountain.org39 Glover RoadRumfordME(207) 364-8977
903Ski CabinUnder-cabin ski cubbiesConcord River Fabricationhttps://concordriverfab.com941 South Rumford RoadRumfordME(207) 357-3412
903Ski CabinHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
903Ski CabinHotel Rumfordhttps://hotelrumford.com65 Canal StreetRumfordME207-364-3261
903Ski CabinJFRED Electric 446-8462
903Ski CabinTechno Metal Posthttps://www.technometalpost.com157 Granite Hill Rd.ManchesterME(207) 623-3244
904Call The GuysAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
904Call The GuysBenjamin Moore 724-6802
904Call The GuysHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
904Call The GuysJFRED Electric 446-8462
905Dome Sweet DomeAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
905Dome Sweet DomeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
905Dome Sweet DomeJFRED Electric 446-8462
905Dome Sweet DomeStained glass glasswareStained Glass Expresshttps://www.stainedglassexpress.com966 Western Ave.MaznchesterME(207) 213-4126
906Super Sweet Holiday SpecialAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
906Super Sweet Holiday SpecialHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
906Super Sweet Holiday SpecialJFRED Electric 446-8462
906Super Sweet Holiday SpecialNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
907A Twofer in West GardinerAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
907A Twofer in West GardinerHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
907A Twofer in West GardinerJFRED Electric 446-8462
908Overhaul on the Upper NarrowsAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
908Overhaul on the Upper NarrowsHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
908Overhaul on the Upper NarrowsJFRED Electric 446-8462
909Fred & The Bishops’ Family CottageAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
909Fred & The Bishops’ Family CottageHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
909Fred & The Bishops’ Family CottageJFRED Electric 446-8462
909Fred & The Bishops’ Family CottageRestoration of Fred the FishWing’s Fin n Fur Taxidermy 215-5050
910Great Things in Small PackagesAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
910Great Things in Small PackagesCenter for Entreprenurial Studies Main St.FarmingtonME(207) 779-1779
910Great Things in Small PackagesHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
910Great Things in Small PackagesJFRED Electric 446-8462
910Great Things in Small PackagesNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
910Great Things in Small PackagesWare-Butler Building Supplyhttps://warebutler.com14 North St.WatervilleME(207) 873-3371
910Great Things in Small PackagesWoodsmith Manufacturinghttps://woodsmithsmfg.com14 North St. WatervilleME(207) 873-3371
911A Growing Gem on PocassetAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
911A Growing Gem on PocassetHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
911A Growing Gem on PocassetJFRED Electric 446-8462
912All-Star Camp on CobbosseeAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
912All-Star Camp on CobbosseeHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
912All-Star Camp on CobbosseeJFRED Electric 446-8462
912All-Star Camp on CobbosseeLibrary ladder, bridgeMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrailsllc.com25 West St. FairfieldME(207) 238-0051
912All-Star Camp on CobbosseeNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
913Dilapidated to Debonair on DamariscottaAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
913Dilapidated to Debonair on DamariscottaHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
913Dilapidated to Debonair on DamariscottaJFRED Electric 446-8462
913Dilapidated to Debonair on DamariscottaPaper and wood chandelierOCB Designhttps://www.ocbdesign.com200 Anderson Street #5PortlandME(207) 332.2182
914Residential Camp in South ChinaAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
914Residential Camp in South ChinaHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
914Residential Camp in South ChinaJFRED Electric 446-8462
914Residential Camp in South ChinaBench made of old lawnmower tractor seatsMainely Handrailshttps://www.mainelyhandrailsllc.com25 W. StreetFairfialdME(207) 238-0051
915Outdoor Classroom at Gardiner HighAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
915Outdoor Classroom at Gardiner HighSolar power systemaltEhttps://www.altestore.comME(877) 878-4060
915Outdoor Classroom at Gardiner HighHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
915Outdoor Classroom at Gardiner HighJFRED Electric 446-8462
916A Friend in NeedAAA Portable Toiletshttps://aaaportabletoilets.com24 Quaker Hill Rd.AlbionME(800) 335-9345
916A Friend in NeedHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
916A Friend in NeedJFRED Electric 446-8462
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinHeat PumpsDave’s Worldhttps://www.davesworld.com103 Leighton RoadAugustaME(207) 620-1110
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinJFRED Electric 446-8462
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinKennebec Cabin Co. Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinLL Beanhttps://www.llbean.comFreeportME(800) 441-5713
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
1001Tree Damage to Lakeside Dream CabinRustic Countyhttps://www.rusticcounty.com915 Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftJFRED Electric 446-8462
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftJB Powder Coating & Weldinghttps://www.jbpowdercoatingmaine.com238 Hallowell Rd.ChelseaME(207) 592-9117
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftKennebec Cabin Co. Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftLL Beanhttps://www.llbean.comFreeportME(800) 441-5713
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901
1002The Russell Cabin’s Big LiftRustic Countyhttps://www.rusticcounty.com915 Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachBenjamin Moore 724-6802
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachLobster trap rope artEric Darling Art
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachJFRED Electric 446-8462
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachKennebec Cabin Co. Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachLL Beanhttps://www.llbean.comFreeportME(800) 441-5713
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachLibrary ladderPutnam Rolling Ladder W21008 Meadow LaneJacksonWI(262) 375-7960
1003Pop of Color at Popham BeachRustic Countyhttps://www.rusticcounty.com915 Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandFootingPadhttps://footingpad.com400 Carol Ann LnOssianIN(800) 522-2426
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandGreat Northern Dockshttps://greatnortherndocks.com1114 Roosevelt TrailNaplesME(207) 693-3770
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandJB Grooming & Equipmenthttps://www.jbgroomers.com238 Hallowell Rd.ChelseaME(207) 592-9117
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandSummerspacehttps://www.summerspace.com101 Merrow Rd, Suite BAuburnME(877) 962-2212
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandLL Beanhttps://www.llbean.comFreeportME(800) 441-5713
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandWastedhttps://wasted.earthBurlingtonVT
1004Ryan and Ashley’s Private IslandCharcuterie boardWhalen Woodworks
1005Overhaul on Sand PondBenjamin Moore 724-6802
1005Overhaul on Sand PondHammond Lumber Co.https://www.hammondlumber.com2 Hammond DriveBelgradeME(207) 495-3303
1005Overhaul on Sand PondJFRED Electric 446-8462
1005Overhaul on Sand PondKennebec Cabin Co. Western Ave.ManchesterME(207) 480-1777
1005Overhaul on Sand PondLL Beanhttps://www.llbean.comFreeportME(800) 441-5713
1005Overhaul on Sand PondNELMAhttps://www.nelma.org272 Tuttle Rd.CumberlandME(207) 829-6901